
Term limits needed now


Some of the best ideas in the history of the Cherokee Scout have come from our readers, which is why we have opened the opinions pages to publish as many letters to the editor as possible

Bill to open personnel records


It’s Sunshine Week across America, a time when the public’s right to see government records and attend government meetings – in order to hold government officials accountable to the people who empl

Students deserve our best


A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions and the compassion to listen to the needs of others.

Trashing the recyclables?


Say it isn’t so! Publisher David Brown caught on camera with his hand in the cookie jar – or, to be specific, his old guitar case in the Dumpster. Busted!

Raise money to help kids


My name is Seiry Mozqueda,. I am a senior at Tri-County Early College, and I am working on my capstone project. 

Fossil fuels should pay


As an American, I am a firm believer in fairness and justice. They are basic American values, no matter what our political affiliation. 

Local company riding to rescue


A local company and one of its drivers made a trip to Texas last month to bring needed supplies to people hurting from a harsh winter snowstorm.

Broadband comes to county in space


One of the biggest challenges to working, and even conducting some basic modern home functions, in Cherokee County has been the lack of broadband high-speed internet service in many of the more rur